PTSD Service Dog

There are some Belgian Malinois puppies suitable for PTSD therapy…but there are also many puppies that are NOT suitable for PTSD.

A PTSD Belgian Malinois dog for therapy has to be calm yet solid in temperament. It has to be very stable and reliable. Most high energy Malinois working dogs wouldn’t be suitable to be a PTSD dog unless on special occasions where the handler has a physically active lifestyle and has owned one previously.

PTSD Malinois puppies that we place with veteran and non-veteran handlers have the ideal temperament to be trained to be of help in times of crisis and ease the stress of the handler during these difficult times.

Hyper-vigilance and panic attacks are very common among PTSD handlers, and therefore need a solid tempered dog. The worst dogs for them are ‘thin nerved’ or ‘jumpy’ dogs which in many cases only aggravate the situation.

When someone is interested in one of our puppies specifically for PTSD, we need to be informed about it early on.

When we become aware that you want it for this specific purpose, we are able to observe our puppies closely and watch if any of them show signs to be ideal candidates.

For that reason, we have created a special placement process where we take in your information via a puppy application for us to review.

In the application we ask questions like, ‘Why do you want a Belgian Malinois?’, ‘What purpose will it serve?’, ‘What’s your level of physical activity?’, etc…

All these questions are important because, without them, it would be really hard to assure the puppy you get will be suitable for what you want it.

On the application, you will actually find that there is an option where you can check specifically if you plan using your Belgian Malinois for PTSD Therapy or to serve in other roles such as a Service Dog.

If you are interested in filling out our application and getting information of Belgian Malinois puppies for sale, you can go below and CLICK on the yellow button.

Sometimes the VA is willing to pick up the costs of a trained PTSD Belgian Malinois…but other times they don’t.

In these cases where they don’t- we try to help with a special discount available for Belgian Malinois that will serve as service dogs. CLICK button below for more info.


Belgian Malinois for PTSD Therapy Veterans


